Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Ads with Clever Print

This week’s lesson was very interesting because we had talked about how text was creative in advertising. Here are a few I found around the web…


At first glance the print ad might not be immediately obvious but it’s unique and simple design really captures people eyes and portrays a simple message, “Free Wi-Fi now available.” It let consumers now that Brucciani: Family Craft Bakers & CafĂ© that wireless internet was available at their locations.

This ad is also very simple, effective, and funny which makes the print advertising work. The fatal attraction tag line works great with casino and master trap affiliation.

This ad from Quebec automobile insurance society gives a clear message to drive safe. It provokes a strong and lasting impression with an important message.

Women’s sport in advertising can be very tricky and can lead to a disastrous and lousy campaign trail. MasterCard brought clever and cute to Women’s Golf Tournaments!

This creative ad pulls a breakfast into bed….literally!

Dairy Farmers of Canada Cheese Rolling brings in their slogan into their ad and combine it with their cheese.

With many companies moving into the green to save the world this pizza company probably had the most creative idea by designing an ad focusing on their campaign to raise awareness of their eco-friendly packaging and use of organic products.

Pilot, the pen company, took their water resistant pen displayed it in a creative way. The text in the ad is easily identifiable for parents and speaks to a wide range of consumers. Purpose and creativity...

Probably designed after famous painting, this Perrier ad makes it seem that the only way to get out of the heat is to drink their water. The ad melts the surroundings of the bottle while it stays intact. Also it makes the Perrier bottle of water very appealing and wanted by consumers.

An M&M ad that makes a keyboard and lettering look very interesting and tasteful. Takes a unique stand in the who, what, where, when, and why you should eat M&Ms. Personally it makes me think of:
  • Who: Office employee
  • What: Eat M&Ms
  • Where: The Office
  • When: Anytime
  • Why: Cause they are hungry.

Last ad is a very simple ad that I think sums up the previous class. Text is simple and boring but looking closer at the words the consumer takes a creative journey in their head about light sabers, robots, dinosaurs, rocket, and etc. etc. etc. etc. and more! With this ad Hasbro uses imagination to target their consumer making it seem that buying their products they can doing anything and everything with it.