Monday, December 10, 2012

Typewriter Commercial

  • Commercial idea: Typewriters
  • Narrator: Cheesy, over hyper, and loud voice

Typewriters are back and are seen countrywide!
(Flash a picture of a typewriter)

Because the allure of nostalgia for old technology is in the air, the typewriter is one comeback to remember!

(Flash a picture of a typewriter)

Typewriters are appearing on display in coffee houses, bars and bookstores from coast to coast!

(Flash a picture of a typewriter)

Early manual typewriters are being snapped up by a new generation of fans who are rediscovering the joys of vintage!

(Flash a picture of a typewriter)

Typewriters are a great piece of history in machine-era technology!

(Flash a picture of a typewriter)

Younger collectors buy the vintage typewriter both for its functionality and its looks. They love to see the typewriter sitting right next to their iPad and iPod!

(Flash a picture of a typewriter)

The old-fashioned typewriter is making a comeback!
(Flash a picture of a typewriter)

Last few seconds flash message in bold: Once written off as obsolete, the low-tech machines are experiencing a surge of popularity among writers looking to avoid distraction or drawn by the novelty of seeing their words appear on the page as they type. GET YOURS TODAY!!!