Friday, September 14, 2012

DJ Artists Are Brands?

DJ Artists Are Brands?

            When you look at the title you must think this isn’t true. But before you starting doubting me and exiting out of this page and move on, hear me out (or in this case read). Yes, musical artist are and can be established as brands even though they are not a tangible product. In today’s Northern American society electronic house music is becoming an epidemic, spreading across the nation, like a wildfire. But this type of music has been around for some time now and these DJs associated with the music have been building up their names as brands. These DJs names alone attract millions of consumers just like a successful brand would. Brands are products that provide functional benefits and added values that consumers value enough to buy. But instead of a product, it is a lifestyle that is being sold. These DJs represent a culture that is about music and making millions doing it.

            In a business stand point these DJs work exactly like how brands would operate. These DJs have the ability to mass produce a product out to high demanding customers and their top selling product is their music. Their sound is what makes their type of branding unique because they are, essentially, still selling a product that brings value to their audiences. By doing this their fans also buy products that are associated with them. These products are a vast majority of items like brand clothing, accessories, and other items.

            As a brand these DJs have their own individual identities where their fans can distinguish themselves from one another. Although they are all from the same, generic genre of music they all standout from one another because of their specific variety of traits like, their unique style in their music to how they mix when they perform on stage. Each DJ has their loyal fan base and, most important, customers. Having that much of a loyal fan base gives DJs the drive to keep making music and bringing great music to their fans. Without loyalty from their fans these DJs would not be the icons that they are today. Their identity to their fans makes them a one of a kind product and brand that cannot be duplicated by any other.

            Having these fans and customers they can control their pricing from when they perform to the products they sell. Their fans will spend the money to see them perform and buy their products no matter what the costs are. This is so because of the value they bring to their customers. These DJs are capable to bring a unique kind of value because they sell both tangible and intangible products. These tangible products are the items that they sell that are attached to their names but what is most interesting is that they can sell their music. Music can only be heard and felt but cannot be held. Some say it is hard to sell an intangible item but these DJs are doing a pretty good job doing that. DJs most valuable product is their music live where they set the price high. Music festivals, also called raves, are priced high because of the value that they bring to their fans.

            These DJs promise is to bring a great experience to their each and every one of their fans though the sound of their music. They do that by consistently interacting with their fans through concerts and events, releasing new music, and selling brand products. Without that promise between the DJs and their fans their music would never strive.

            So if any time you hear or see one of these DJs perform don’t think their just artist playing music because they are so much more than that. They represent a culture that many love, they represent the evolution of music, they represent peace, unity, love, and respect, they represent a brand.

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