Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Nostalgia in Advertising

Using nostalgia as an emotional advertising technique has been seen in numerous trade publications as a highly effective and persuasive advertising tactic. The result is that we see nostalgic themes in many advertising campaigns. Advertisers use words, pictures, music or scenes to connect their brands. Many advertisers use the nostalgic feelings to evoke positive emotions to influence consumers’ attitudes and buying behavior. The use of nostalgia in advertising does arouse attention, is very entertaining, and is a persuasive tactic provoking nostalgic reflections in consumers. Besides the positive emotions, they also induce mental images of former situations and experiences that are also positive in nature. Nostalgic advertising brings out more positive emotions in consumers and more heartwarming images than non-nostalgic advertisements. The combination of the positive emotions and images evoked by the ads generate positive resonance toward both the ad and the product advertised.
It is the emotional response by consumers that advertisers want to hit the nostalgia appeal that generates a positive response on consumers’ attitude toward the ad itself. Nostalgic advertising is believed to have a positive effect on consumers’ attitude toward the product. Consumers’ judgment processes are influenced by nostalgia appeals. Nostalgic ads can stimulate imaginative recreations of the past that can be associated with the advertised product.

Nostalgic imagery cues (instructions) can evoke and enhance nostalgic mental images that are related to the advertised product.
·         Re-live the moment…
·         Remember when…
·         It was a time like no other…
·         Using a specific date from the past

When consumers experience nostalgia in a consumer base aspect, they have a higher purchase likelihood with regard to the advertised products and to especially favor nostalgia-related products. It even shows more persuasive influence on consumers. Nostalgia advertising appeals are especially appropriate for emotional products because the positive response to them can enhance the other positive emotions generated by the product itself.

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